Category: Arch Linux Log

  • My Arch Linux emergency procedure

    Today, for the first time after a system update, I had an Arch system that wouldn’t boot properly anymore. This has not happened in about 10 years — I probably overlooked an error during the update process and rebooted without noticing. My take-away: Do not do system updates unattended. This was the error message: Basically…

  • How noobs enable zram in Arch Linux

    zram is great, it helps your machine stay responsive quite a bit longer during RAM and swap intensive tasks than it would without it. This is how you enable zram in Arch Linux. It’s part of ArchWiki already but not exactly described in noob-friendly way, so here it is: # Check if it’s already enabled…

  • Arch Linux: No audio device after update

    After an update all audio devices where gone. I got everything working again by wiping Pipewire: $ sudo rm -rf /etc/pipewire $ sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session $ systemctl –user enable pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session $ systemctl –user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session via Reddit

  • Arch Linux boot process gets stuck at “Reached target Graphical Interface”

    In this case, append “” to the kernel line in your bootloader, which will bring you to the VT login.

  • Could not update Seafile client

    Today I could not update the Seafile client in Arch Linux because of a conflict with `ccnet` and `ccnet-server`. The solution was to remove everything directly related to Seafile and then install from scratch: $ yay -R ccnet seafile seafile-client$ yay -S seafile-client

  • Bluetooth-Kopfhörer-Verbindung

    Ich hatte lange das Problem, dass kurz nachdem Bluetooth-Verbindungsaufbau von meinem Arch Linux (Thinkpad x220) die Verbindung wieder beendet wurde. Die Lösung: Via Ubuntu Forums Dauerhaft aktivieren sollte man vielleicht diese Zeilen in /etc/pulse/