Category: Work

  • RealWorld sprengt Grenzen: 40+ Technologie-Stacks setzen neuen Demo-Standard

    Das “RealWorld” Projekt auf GitHub ist eine Initiative, die darauf abzielt, “die Mutter aller Demo-Apps” zu erstellen. Es ist im Grunde ein Spezifikationsset für die Erstellung von Beispielanwendungen, die bestimmte Funktionalitäten und Strukturen implementieren. Das Besondere daran ist, dass es für viele verschiedene Technologie-Stacks implementiert wurde, von Frontend-Frameworks wie React, Angular und Vue bis hin…

  • How to report errors and have them resolved quickly

    As a user of websites or web applications, you expect error-free functionality. Ensuring this is the goal of developers and administrators. However, errors cannot be 100% ruled out. The following tips will help you to have errors analyzed and fixed quickly.

  • How noobs enable zram in Arch Linux

    zram is great, it helps your machine stay responsive quite a bit longer during RAM and swap intensive tasks than it would without it. This is how you enable zram in Arch Linux. It’s part of ArchWiki already but not exactly described in noob-friendly way, so here it is: # Check if it’s already enabled…

  • Fix “object from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded” error

    Recently my Gitlab installation broke with this error: ERROR: object ‘/opt/gitlab/embedded/lib/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. 2022-04-18_11:18:30.73820 /usr/bin/env: ‘/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/bundle’: Permission denied After some hours of debugging, this was the solution: Change /opt directory permissions from 0750 to 0755… Yeah. Maybe this little tidbit helps you avoid those hours.…

  • Effizientes Speichern von Ja/Nein-Attributen

    Bei der Entwicklung von Software mit Datenhaltung in einer relationalen Datenbank (RDBMS) stößt man oft auf die Situation, viele verschiedene Ja/Nein-Attribute speichern zu müssen und effizient auffindbar zu machen.

  • How to unlock a dm-crypt-encrypted second harddisk with a static key

    Let’s assume you have a device that boots from an encrypted SSD and also has a encrypted spinning disk for storage. Further let’s assume that you unlock the system disk and the spinning disk with a dedicated password each boot. At least that’s my current situation. I have grown tired of entering two 20+ chars…